2009 m. gruodžio 31 d., ketvirtadienis

Antroji beretė

Ballard Slouch
Skubu dar šiemet pasigirti savo antraja, jau padovanota berete. Tai Felicia LO Ballard Slouch Hat. Jaučiu, kad ir dvi beretės jau ne riba :D Randasi noras pabandyti ir tą, ir kitą, ir tokios spalvos, ir kitokios... Laikas parodys. Dabar ant virbalų sėdi rimtas megztinis, o po to - Nauji metai, nauji mezgalai :)

Laimingų Naujųjų Metų! :)
Ballard SlouchBallard Slouch

The second beret

I'm eager to show my second beret, which was made as a present. It's Felicia LO Ballard Slouch Hat. I'm getting a strong feeling that two berets is not it, more is on its way :) Now I want to knit this and that beret and this and that colour... Time will show. At the moment I've got complicated pullover on my needles. Then its New Year, new knits...

Happy New Year! :)

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