2011 m. kovo 27 d., sekmadienis

Dovana Mamai/ Gift for my Mum

Megztinis jau senokai numegztas ir padovanotas (apie Kalėdas), bet niekaip vis nepavykdavo jo nufotografuoti... Megztinis neapsiėjo žinoma be šiokių tokių ardymų, visgi ne sau mezgiau. Turiu pripažinti, kad megzti kažkam kitam yra visai kitaip, nei sau. Nemoku megzti pagal išmatavimus, turiu nuolat matuoti(s). O juolab kad ir mezgiau ne bet kam... :) Modelis gan minimalistinis, bet tuo ir mielas. Siūlas dieviško švelnumo - Moheris su šilku, 25 g 210 m. Panašu, kad tai vienas taupiausių siūlų - sumezgiau nepilnus 4 kamuoliukus, nors pardavėja primygtinai įtikinėjo, kad reikės 5-6. Cha :)

Pasižiūrėjus į originalą net pačiai keista, kaip čia taip panašiai išėjo :) Modelis - iš senokos Rebeccos. Žinoma aš "pagal taisykles" negaliu, tad mezgiau daug plonesniais siūlais ir ratu.
p.s. Myliu šią spalvą (perlai.. taip tauriai skamba!). Nors megztinį mezgiau mamai, rinkau tokią spalvą, kad jei jai dėl kažkokių priežasčių ne(pa)tiktų, mielai nešiočiau pati :)

This pullover is finished and given as a gift a while ago (round Christmas), somehow I never took pictures of it. Of course some untangling was needed during the process, since this is one of the few things I've knit for somebody else. I must admit that when I knit for somebody but myself, its quite different. I can't knit just by measurements, I need to try it on all the time. The model is rather minimalistic, but that's why I liked it. Yarn is heavenly soft - Mohair and silk mix, 25 g 210 m. It seems like this yarn is on of the "longest lasting" - I needed less than 4 skeins, maybe 3.5 actually, although lady at the shop was sure I'd need 6, at least 5 skeins. Ha ha :)
When I look at the original I almost get surprised that my version turned out to be that similar :) The model is from old Rebecca. Since I can't knit "according to the rules", my main modifications this time were due to much thinner yarn than the pattern called for and I chose to knit round instead of separate details and then sewing it.
p.s. I love the color. I made this sweater as a gift for my mum, but in case for some reason she didn't like/want it, I'd be more than happy to use it myself :)

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